Are You Ready to Cry Out?!

Cry Out is dedicated to fostering a profound practice of surrender and submission, leading us on a transformative journey of healing and restoration. Through the exercise of faith, courage, and wisdom, and a fervent desire to manifest inner strength, we create the atmosphere needed for every person to discover and unleash their inherent abilities, gifts, and talents.

Fostered in a space of intentional action, Cry Out brings each of us closer to God in authentic recognition of His Spirit and an unwavering desire to shift the seasons of life.  Through the act of “Crying Out,” we inspire a resolute commitment to embrace a higher calling, overcome obstacles, and ascend to a destiny of beautiful purpose and spiritual fulfillment.

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Pastor Keion Henderson Founder and CEO, The Lighthouse Church
Dr. Eric Thomas
Evangelist Latrice Ryan
Bishop Kevin Wallace


  • VIP event w/ Pastor and Lady Henderson
  • Access to 'VIP Lounge'
  • Exclusive Cry Out gift
  • Exclusive conference entrance
  • VIP conference tote
  • Access to conference program
  • VIP registration badge
  • Seating in VIP section
  • Premier conference tote
  • Access to conference program
  • Premier registration badge
  • Seating in Premier section
  • Exclusive conference entrance
  • Exclusive Cry Out gift
  • Access to 'VIP Lounge'
  • VIP event w/ Pastor and Lady Henderson
  • Access to conference program
  • General registration badge
  • Seating in General section
  • Conference tote
  • Exclusive event entrance
  • Exclusive Cry Out gift
  • Access to 'VIP Lounge'
  • VIP event w/ Pastor and Lady Henderson